Monday, November 09, 2009


11.4- strawberry oatmeal & chocolate milk, Joaquin's sweet family prayer, finding a sweet lil' kids basketball hoop that the neighbor was going to trash, feeling of complete euphoria while walking with my kids this morning in the cool, crisp air, playing outside and having fun with my babes, feeling inspired and having the creative juices flowing for YW ideas, dee-licious egg salad sandwiches for lunch with ranch Doritos, finally getting my Nov. Ensign-yippee!, a good hair day, new blush
10.26- sleeping in 'til 10 in my nice warm bed, all of my family's health & well-being, bacon, ice cold glass of water, 2 mile walk in the crisp Fall air and feeling like I can conquer the world, music & my ipod, my country and how it takes care of it's poor, getting my house picked up and tidy, twice baked potatos!- yum, my dad watchin' my kids so I can go to my job interview

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