Hee hee hee hee!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Easter Blessings
Sunday March 23
Easter was an interesting day for me. I woke up feeling grateful for the reason of Easter- celebrating that Jesus lives. But I was a little sad that we were celebrating without Robert. Easter came way too early this year I must say. Anyway I woke up and went and picked up Eben's brother since he was going back to AZ with Aunt Kathy and Janea and then said bye to them all. Then when Baily woke up and she saw the Easter basket that the
Easter bunny brought she was all excited. It was sweet. After she got to go through her goodies I got us all ready and went to church at my Aunt Konny's ward. I used to go to this ward when I lived up there during my Senior year of high school. It was fun to see some familiar faces. I didn't think anyone would even recognize me but I felt so loved when so many came up to say hi and how they remembered me and such. Sacrament was nice and I fed Joaquin during Sunday School. Baily was super excited to go to "uhsawee" and she had a blast while she was there. Relief Society was my favorite. The lesson was partly on the succession of the Prophets and how their Counselors and Apostles are called and we talked about the Solemn Assembly which I knew nothing about so that was fun. There was awesome discussion and it was just a great lesson. After church I came home and started making a yummy Easter feast. I was worried that it was just gonna be me and my kids and that I would feel pretty lonely but that's not how it turned out at all. My Aunt Konny and Deb were there and my cousin Amy, her husband Darrin and their 4 girls all came and enjoyed dinner with me and they even got a ham and veggies for me to have at the dinner which was great. I was bummed that I hadn't found any eggs to hide for Baily but thankfully Amy and her girls took care of that. They brought tons of eggs, hid them theirselves and had a blast finding them and then eating all the candy inside. It was great. We also got to watch Beau and Eben's wedding video that Amy and Darrin put together and it was awesome! After they left I just relaxed with the kids and had a long overdo discussion with Robert about some issues that needed to be addressed. All in all it was a great Easter and I'm so grateful for the reason of Easter... that my Savior was resurrected and that He lives!!
Fun With the Girls
Saturday March 22
Saturday was lots of fun. Aunt Kathy and Janea decided to stay and wait to leave until Sunday morning which I was delighted about since Beau and Eben were off enjoying wedded bliss and I would have been bored all day without them. We had planned on finding a sitter for the kids and us girls going up and doing a session at Salt Lake Temple then going to lunch but I was worried about leaving Joaquin for that long since he only nurses and won't take a bottle and Janea was
worried about leaving Kaden, her 1 yr old, since he's a busy boy. So we opted out of that and instead just hauled up the kids and went with Aunt Konny to lunch at Noodles & Company. It was dee-lish! I had pesto pasta and yum-o! After that we went to the huge distribution center they have there and did a little shopping and then Aunt Kathy stayed in the van with the kiddos while Janea and I ran into Deseret Book to "tell the Easter Bunny" what the kids wanted for Easter. After that we came back to the house and hung out for a while. Then me and my Aunties and Joaquin went and had a visit with my mom. I had a hard time leaving Baily behind but I knew it was for the best. She was having so much playing with Emery and would have been rotten if I took her and would have stressed me out which I did not want to be at my mom's visit. It was fun to talk with all us girls. And of course, once again, my mom just ate up Joaquin and enjoyed her time with him. And I know it's hard to believe that at such a young age you can tell he loves someone but I could. Joaquin absolutely adored my mom. He just smiled and cooed at and snuggled with her. I loved every minute of it. After we got home and chilled for a bit Aunt Kathy went and picked up some salads and different noodle dishes from
Noodles and Rumbi Island Grill for dinner and brought them back to the house. Oh my goodness... I was in food heaven! We had the Asian
Salad, the Hula Salad and Thai Noodles and all just split it. It was sooo good and a nice change of all the same foods I'm used to eating. After we ate Aunt Kathy generously offered to watch our kids while Janea and I went and did more shopping at Super Target. It was so nice to shop without stressing about Baily and having someone to shop with to share opinions and ideas with. Good times. By the time we got home it was kinda late. I hung out a little more with Janea and the kids and I went to go put my kids to sleep and ended up falling asleep myself. It was such a fun day and I was grateful to have that time to spend with some of my favorite girl family members all day!
Saturday was lots of fun. Aunt Kathy and Janea decided to stay and wait to leave until Sunday morning which I was delighted about since Beau and Eben were off enjoying wedded bliss and I would have been bored all day without them. We had planned on finding a sitter for the kids and us girls going up and doing a session at Salt Lake Temple then going to lunch but I was worried about leaving Joaquin for that long since he only nurses and won't take a bottle and Janea was
366 Blessings:
#82- My cousin Janea

Beau and Eben got hitched!!
So the big day finally came. And what a day it was. It started super early with me waking up and having a final chat with my brother as a single man. He was quite the nervous boy I must say. He could barely put his toothepaste on his toothbrush he was so shaky...lol. And before I knew it he was off. As I looked at my kids sleeping so peacefully I could feel the pain in

366 Blessings:
#81- Beau and Eben's Sealing
Showers of Excitement!
Thursday March 20
Thursday was a fun day. I spent the morning cleaning and grooming my children so
I wouldn't have to rush and try to get it done early the next morning and with a lot more people needed bathroom time. Then in the afternoon my children, Beau and I got to have a visit with my mom. Beau was super tired (stayed up too late with his fiance) and kept dozing off but that's ok. And Baily was still a little rotten but she actually talked to my mom and let her talk to her that time which was progress. I just loved visiting with her and spending time with her. Every minute is precious when I get to visit her. I love her so much! After the visit we went back to my Aunt Konny's and when we got there my Aunt Kathy (Konny's twin) and her daughter, my cousin, Janea and her 3 little ones were there up from Arizona. I was so excited to see them. I'm named after my Aunt Kathy (Sarah Kathleen) and she's always been one of my favorite Aunts (the other one being Aunt Konny) and has been a big part of my life growing up. She's awesome. And Janea
has always been of my favorite cousins and someone I've always looked up to as an example of compassion, patience and just living a Christ-like life. It had been over 2 years since I saw Janea and long time since I saw my Aunt Kathy so I was stoked to be able to spend a couple days with them. All the time I got to spend with my family was just heaven to me. I love my family!
After all the his and hellos we got ready and went to the restaurant Chuck-A-Rama
for Eben's improptu last minute planned bridal shower I put together. There was a pretty
good turnout and it was lots of fun. The best part was when Eben opened up the gift my mom made from her. My mom is one of the most creative people I know. She crocheted her a lingerie set of matching bra and panties and made some hilarious "pills" for overcoming wedding night anxiety and other things. There was also some "diamond" earrings since she knew Beau wouldn't be able to afford to get her nice jewely during their early married years. So funny. It was fun chatting it up with all my family and getting to know a little of Eben's side of the family as well. I took Joaquin with me but Beau watched Baily for me which was great and made it so much more enjoyable for me. He watched Janea's 3 kids as well... good practice for him. After we finished eating Janea and I and our 2 youngest made a quick trip to Wal-Mart and then back to Aunt Konny's. After some visiting and what not it was time to hit the sack and prepare for the big day on Friday- Beau and Eben's wedding day!

366 Blessings:
#80- My Aunt Kathy

Oh man...
Wednesday March 19
So Wednesday was a rough day for me. I was excited when Eben asked me to come along to her bridal photo shoot. Unfortunately that meant dragging my kids along since I had no baby sitter and no husband there to help out. I really wanted this to be special for Eben and to be able to help out but I think I was more of a hinderance than a help. Baily was super naughty and it was driving me insane. While we were at this castle place doing the pitures I was holding Joaquin and for some reason his diaper decided it didn't want to work at that moment so he peed all over me. So I headed back down to the car to change him and let Baily run around on the stony steps. Yeah... worst mom of the year award goes to- me! I was frustrated by this point by not being able to help Eben like I wanted to and in the process of changing Joaquin I hear Baily start crying... again. I got so mad and yelled at her that she was fine and to stop crying. By this point I was tearing up myself since I was so flustered. Well once Joaquin was finally changed and I
got myself dried off from the lovely urine I look up and realize Baily was crying because she fell and did a face plant on the stony castly steps. I felt like the biggest jerk- especially when I ran to her side and saw her poor little nose all scraped up and bloody. By that time I was in meltdown mode. My emotions ran over me and I was mad at myself for being a crappy mom, mad at Robert's work for not paying him enough and giving him good vacation time so that he couldn't be there to help me... you name it I was mad- overwhelmed. After a prayer, a plea, for help and after Baily had calmed down and I begged for her forgiveness and told her how sorry I was things got better. I got to finish watching a little bit of the end of the photo shoot and wow does my cousin Michelle (the photographer- this is her website... http://edreamphotography.com/index.php check it out- she's amazing!) do great work. The photos turned out absolutely beautiful and Eben looked stunning. When we went to this grove to have more pictures taken there were 4 deer in the grove. It was so cool. They were so close. Michelle even got one in the background of one of Eben's shots and the picture is so awesome. After that whole tiring event (sorry I didn't help out much Eben but I'm so grateful I got to be a part of that), we went back to my Aunt's house, ate lunch and me and the kiddos and Eben all snoozed. Later that evening (I don't remember
happened in between), we had planned a little party- a pie party and we were gonna watch Waitress. I got this idea from one of my favorite blogs. After we ate dinner (I made soup) we popped in the movie. None of us had ever seen it but had all heard good
things about it so we were excited. However we ended up turning it off once we realized it was about an adulterous love story and it felt uncomfortable watching it. We ended up watching Enchanted instead and I just have to tell you that I LOVE that movie. It's so cute and so good and has great values in it. That's my kind of movie. We still had our pie regardless of the Waitress flop so that was good. And that's for that day.
So Wednesday was a rough day for me. I was excited when Eben asked me to come along to her bridal photo shoot. Unfortunately that meant dragging my kids along since I had no baby sitter and no husband there to help out. I really wanted this to be special for Eben and to be able to help out but I think I was more of a hinderance than a help. Baily was super naughty and it was driving me insane. While we were at this castle place doing the pitures I was holding Joaquin and for some reason his diaper decided it didn't want to work at that moment so he peed all over me. So I headed back down to the car to change him and let Baily run around on the stony steps. Yeah... worst mom of the year award goes to- me! I was frustrated by this point by not being able to help Eben like I wanted to and in the process of changing Joaquin I hear Baily start crying... again. I got so mad and yelled at her that she was fine and to stop crying. By this point I was tearing up myself since I was so flustered. Well once Joaquin was finally changed and I
366 Blessings:
#79- Disney movies
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Charlie bit my finger - again !
I stole this from Karen's blog but it is way too precious to not share! I love this!
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Tuesday March 18
Once again- I'm at a memory loss here so sorry. I do remember that Baily was
driving me absolutely crazy and was quite the naughty girl. I realized that she totally had the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome. I often found myself wondering where my sweet Baily Bug had gone to and why she stayed behind at home in AZ instead of joining me on our trip to Utah. I read this blog entry and I cried because it was like I was reading my own thoughts and experiences with Baily.
So when Karen called and offered to have Baily over to play with Kaily for a little bit I was very grateful. While she was gone and I was enjoying some peace and screaming less sound and restoring a little bit of my sanity I remember being able to chat with my new, but then soon to be, sister-in-law Eben. Have I mentioned how awesome she is and how much I just adore and love her? She's awesome! It was fun to be able to chat it up with her. I made dinner and when Clint and Karen dropped off Baily they stayed for dinner as well. After
they left and after we all finished stuffing our faces we (Beau, Eben, Baily, Joaquin and I) all went to go see the movie Horton Hears a Who. It was a darling movie and I loved it. It was a little stressful with Baily asking for candy and popcorn and soda the whole time (by this time I had run out of the meager money I had and was anxiously awaiting Friday payday) but for the most part she did pretty well as well as Joaquin. It was his very first movie so I'm glad it was a good one. And that's pretty much all I remember about that day. The end.
366 Blessings:
#78- My generous cousins Clint and Karen
Top O' the Morning To Ya!
366 Blessings:
#77- Home-cooked meals
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Oh Happy Day!!
This was a wonderful, wonderful day. Well for the first part of it anyway. The time finally came for a visit with my mom. It was the first time she got to meet my Joaquin. The whole way we were driving up to see her Baily was so excited to see her "Gamon Brown" (Grandma Brown). When we first saw her she just lit up and was glowing and it was the sweetest thing to see her meet her grandson for the first time. And oh how Joaquin loved his Grandma! Baily on the other hand was quite the grump. She takes a long time to warm up to people she doesn't see often. It breaks my heart that she won't let me mom hold her or even talk to her most of the time but I know it will be fine when my mom gets out. Anyway, Joaquin just let her hold him the whole time and he talked and cooed with her, snuggled with her and man did it do my heart good to witness that. And oh it was so good to finally get to hug and visit with my mom face to face for the first time in almost a year. It had been way too long in between visits and I just miss her so much. So these rare visits I get with her are priceless. So despite my grumpy girl it was a wonderful visit with my mom and a moment in my life I'll never forget. Later that day we went over to my cousin Clint and his wife Karen's house for dinner. They have a 3 year old daughter named Kaily and a newborn son named Conner. Baily was still grumpy but excited to have someone to play with. Her sleep schedule was still all messed up and she was confused and missing her daddy. We had fun visiting and squishing each other's new babies and Clint made some awesome burritos that were delish. The girls got along, then fought, then got along, then fought... then eventually got along again. It was exhausting- lol. I was glad to have some family to talk with and a kid-proof environment for Baily to play in as well as a friend and toys to play with. By the time we were ready to leave though Baily had a complete meltdown and it was horrible. I was embarrassed because that's not how Baily usually acts- like I said, she was super over-tired. Once we got back to my Aunt's house she calmed down and that's all I can remember. It's really hard traveling with my kids alone without my husband to help. It really made me appreciate him a lot more. But ever regardless of the hard times with the Bug it was a day I will never forget- when my mom first met Joaquin and how sweet it was!
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