Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Andre!!

My poor little girl is getting sick. She's had a high fever off and on. She's been a little fussy and whiny but not too bad. She's starting to sound a little congested but really, the fever is the worst of it. She's really not that bad but I still hate it when she doesn't feel good even a little bit. She also decided, just yesterday out of the blue, that the Tylenol infant drops are yucky. She's always liked it but things change I guess. Now she's taking the tablets which she thinks are "candy." We'll see how long that lasts. She's been pretty clingy so I didn't get much done yesterday. I managed to get the material cut for her costume so I just need to sew it and finish the little details and then get Robert and I's costumes finished.

Yesterday was my nephew Andre's birthday. I can't believe he turned 16. I've known him since he was 11. Man how time flies! He can be a typical teenage punk at times but I sure do love him. Ever since I've met him he's held a special place in my heart. I've always felt some sort of special bond with him. He's got a great heart and really can be a sweet kid when he want to be. He had his choice to go anywhere he wanted for dinner and he chose Mongolian Grill. I find it a little more than just coincidental that that's Robert's favorite restaurant. I wonder how he bribed Andre into choosing that restaurant? Anyway we went there for dinner and Baily was pretty naughty and not feeling well at all so it was a little stressful for me. But Andre and Robert and Bryan enjoyed it so that's good. Andre got a big bag of Twix and a voucher for a cell phone. We wanted to give it to him yesterday but we have to wait 'till Nov. 9th when we reach our one year mark to add another line to our plan. He seemed pretty stoked though. I think he thought he had no chance of ever getting a cell phone so that was cool that he seemed excited. He's not one to show emotion at all so when he does it's pretty special.
When we got home I finished watching Biggest Loser. I misssed the first 15 minutes of it so I missed how they decided to switch everything up. It was pretty crazy and I was so mad that Neil didn't get voted off. What a butthead to throw the weigh in like that. Poor Jez! I started watching SVU but it wasn't good to me at all so I ended up playing with my new phone. That's right... my new phone got here yesterday and I'm so excited! It's the new Nokia 5300 music phone and it rocks! So I guess I can thank Baily for breaking my old phone. I was up 'till 1:30 playing with it and downloading music and pictures on it. I'm pretty sure Baily's not gonna let me get anything done today. She's very clingy when she's sick. I kinda love the constant cuddling time with her though- as long as she's not being a monster!


Becca said...

My kids just got over the congested/fever thing. The fever only lasted a day, but the congestesed stuff lasted about 1½ weeks,I hope she feels better soon, good luck!

Malissa said...

Awww, too bad she's sick! No fun....we got one of those in our household too. It's that time of year i suppose! Get well soon Bailey!!