Tuesday, December 30, 2008

November-December Bailyisms

Sadly I haven't been keeping up with these and I know there have been so many cute ones I don't remeber. Oh well... I shall just do better;)
10.31 While we were walking in between houses trick or treating she looked at me and said in the most excited voice you ever did hear "Mom. I LOVE Halloween!" And then she raised her and yelled "YES!!!"
11.1 We were watching Iron Man and I have a big sigh because I was tired and trying to stay awake and Baily says "It's ok mom. It's just a robot." Apparently she thought I was scared. Thanks for the comfort B bug!
11.? A few day before we moved up here to WI we were in Wal-Mart and every time we stopped in the store she would say to the closest person standing nearby "Hey. We're moving to Wisconsin where it's coooold." People were laughing and commenting on how cute she is. It was hilarious.
12.? When I went to pick her and Joaquin up at the tot spot at the YMCA where I work out she was excited to see me and knocked over a little girl while she was running on accident. The whole way home she kept saying "Mom I knocked that girl over and now she hates me. I can't ever go back there mom. I'm just so sorry." Oh boy... I can't wait until her teenage years!
12.? She was tired and confused after she talked to Santa and threw a fit when the gift he gave her right then wasn't what she asked for. A few minutes later she said " Mom. I'm sorry for being a brat (I may have called her that...). I'm thank Santa. I'm happy now."
12.? She got mad at her Uncle Jensen and yelled at him. Later on she went and apologized to him and ran up to me with a huge smile on her face and said "Mom I feel so warm all over. That make Jesus happy huh?" My heart melted. Maybe I am doing an ok job
12.24 On Christmas Eve when I told her she had to get to bed because Santa was coming and if she was awake he would leave she ran to her bed. It's never been so easy to put her to sleep! As I was lying there with her she whispered to me "Shh. Hear dat mom? I think I hear the reindeer. I better go to sleep. Good night!"
12.31- We were in the truck driving and Joaquin was pretty fussy. Baily gives a big sigh and says "Seriously Joaquin." She sounded exactly like how I say that. Sooo funny!

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