Yesterday was finally pay day and after 2 pretty rough weeks we made it. I have to be honest and say that I'm really sick of being broke. But in my effort to not murmur because of mine afflictions I'm going to try to be proactive about this issue and I've come up with some ways to try to deal with this. My morning was busy with paying bills and budgeting and then the kids and I dropped off Robert at work. After that I had quite a few things I needed to get done. I first went to the Distribution center to get Joaquin's blessing outfit- so cute! Then I went to Target because I had to get Joaquin some more clothes. He's my big boy and he's pretty much grown out of all his 0-3 month clothing already. And although I got lots of clothes at my baby shower most of it was either 0-3 months or 6-9 months so I had to stock up a little bit. He's my big boy for sure and I love him so much. After that I took the chance of taking my kids one more place before taking them home and hoping they wouldn't be too restless. I was able to nurse Joaquin in my van at Target first though so he wouldn't be too hungry before we got home. After he was fed we headed to Great Clips so I could get my out of control mane cut and fixed. My hair was really cute when it was short but now that it had been growing out it looked like crap. So I was finally able to get it trimmed up in back and just touched up. I didn't want to cut it that much since, once again, I'm trying to grow it out. I feel so much better now that it's fixed though. Baily did great and so did Joaquin with a little help from one of the other stylists keeping them entertained while I was getting my hair cut. After that we finally made it home. We just hung out for a bit and even though I knew she was tired I didn't let Baily take a nap. She's been going to bed way too late lately and I'm trying to nip that in the bud. After I fed Joaquin and got him down to nap I took Baily and Bryan to go pick up Mackenzie since she spent the night here last night. Zach didn't come since he doesn't like to spend the night at my house lately. He says he's got sleep issues. I hope that's the case because I hate to think he's uncomfortable staying with me. Anyway, after I picked up Kenzie I took them to McDonald's. I never went inside the one on Val Vista but I was very pleasantly surprised at how nice and clean it is. And the play area is awesome. They all had so much fun. And you'll have to forgive Baily's cheesy smile in all the pictures. Lately everytime I take a picture she slaps on this fake, cheesy smile. It's kinda funny. So after that we came home. The kids had fun playing with all of Baily's toys and making a disaster out of her room while I tried to put together a calendar for my mom and deal with a fussy Joaquin. He was fine as long as I was holding him but the minute I put him down he fussed. I guess he was just in need of some TLC. After a while Bryan was fighting and arguing with the girls so I sent him to stay with his Grandma while the girls watched a movie. They were both so tired. Baily was sitting on the floor and she ended up falling asleep and falling back and hitting her head. It was sad but kinda funny... it's rough when she doesn't have her nap. It finally came time to go pick up Robert at work and after that we went to Peter Piper Pizza as promised to the girls and in accordance with our Friday night tradition. The pizza tasted great and the 2 little girls had fun even though they were both so tired. They kept riding on this carousel thingy and mooching a free ride with whoever put tokens in. Who needs to buy tokens? Oh the joys of being poor! I had to run out and feed Joaquin in the van since there was no way he was gonna wait until we got home. I love having that option though. After he was fed he was nice and content and loved staring at all the many colorful, blinking lights. I cannot believe he's already 6 weeks old! After we got home it wasn't long before all of us were out like a lamp. It was a long, tiring, but fun day. I love it when I get to spend time with my little siblings. And Mackenzie is such a sweetheart... I love having her over and the spirit her sweet spirit brings into our home!
366 Blessings:
#25- How much easier my mini-van makes nursing when I go out in public.
Sarah, your posts lift my spirit. I don't exactly know why, but I can just tell you are such a sweetie. AlSO-- I know what it's like to have the kids climb on the rides without having quarters to put in them... but the funny thing is, they don't seem to mind.
I've been having a rough couple weeks, and I always know that when I visit your blog, it makes me feel happy!
Sarah, your posts lift my spirit. I don't exactly know why, but I can just tell you are such a sweetie. AlSO-- I know what it's like to have the kids climb on the rides without having quarters to put in them... but the funny thing is, they don't seem to mind.
I've been having a rough couple weeks, and I always know that when I visit your blog, it makes me feel happy!
You are always so busy!! You go girl! Minivans are great!
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