Wednesday was a really long day for me. We didn't need have anywhere to go today so we didn't need to take Robert to work. The only problem with that is it makes for a long monotonous day. And, even though I keep saying I need to stop trying to update my posts every 4 or 5 days I don't, so I really don't remember all that much from Thursday except it was a long boring day. I do remember that 2 sisters from the Relief Society came to visit me and that was nice. They are so sweet and I really can feel the love they have for me and all the sisters in our ward. As you can see though Baily and I had fun doing her flash cards which was more productive than her watching videos all day so I felt good about that. By the time Robert got home I was beat. We ate dinner and got the kids ready for bed and then I passed out pretty quick. I can't wait until Robert has a better schedule and isn't gone all day long.
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