So Wednesdays are a little long, boring and uneventful around here. I kept busy cleaning and doing mom stuff. Baily kept busy playing with her kitchen and al the other million toys that she has. She really has been such a good girl lately and I just love her so much. She definitely tries my patience with me having to tell her something 47 times before she'll listen to me and with her climbing on anything and everything lately but I still adore her. Joaquin has definitely discovered that he gets attention when he cries. He's still a great baby but the no crying phase is no more. I think he got Baily's cold a couple days ago because the poor guy's been congested and has a little cough. It's made for a rough couple of nights. It's so sad because he can't breathe through his nose sometimes and he gets so frustrated. He's getting better little by little though as well as Baily Bug. Joaquin absolutely loves his baths. He just sits there and has this look like "ahhh... this feels so good." I love it. And of course Baily, my little helper, has to help give her "broter" a bath. She adores her brother so much and kisses him about 109 times a day at least. Here he is after his bath. Can't you just smell that nice clean baby smell? Mmmm... I love nice clean babies! And what a nice big yawn giving me false hopes of a long night's sleep. He actually did pretty good last night though. By the time I finished bathing him I made dinner for Robert. I didn't feel like eating... my appetite has been almost non-existent lately. Plus I didn't feel very well. Every part of my body hurt last night- I was so sore. I think I was just worn down from the long days of just me and the babies and from being so tired. After Robert got home I visited with him for a little bit while he ate, I cleaned up and got the kids ready for bed then it was bed for me. I was so wiped out. I'm so glad Robert helps and gets Baily to sleep so I can go to sleep so early. I know he wants me to stay up with him for a bit and I want to too but I'm just so tired by the time he gets home and he's so understanding and sweet about it. So that's it for my boring Wednesday.
Don't underestimate a boring day! I love those! I had such a fun time at lunch today! Why don't we do that like every other day or something!! I love that social hour!! So fun with you girls!! And Joaquin, again, is so stinkin cute!! As is Baily, of course!!
I do so love that Nio and B-Bop Baily Bug of mine. They love me too, and that matters more than them loving Beau. Lol. I keed. So what's up sista!? I haven't talked to you in ages, which, last researched, is very long. And I wish I could come down on the Second, but I have to work at the theater and I have set construction day that day and I have to go to it, or else I fail play production (sheesh!), but I'll be down there February 22-24 for my choir, so I'm sure I'll be able to drop by or meet you to hang for a bit. We're performing down there, so hey! Anyway, love ya sista lynch!
Don't underestimate a boring day! I love those! I had such a fun time at lunch today! Why don't we do that like every other day or something!! I love that social hour!! So fun with you girls!! And Joaquin, again, is so stinkin cute!! As is Baily, of course!!
Precious pictures! I love 'em!
I do so love that Nio and B-Bop Baily Bug of mine. They love me too, and that matters more than them loving Beau. Lol. I keed. So what's up sista!? I haven't talked to you in ages, which, last researched, is very long. And I wish I could come down on the Second, but I have to work at the theater and I have set construction day that day and I have to go to it, or else I fail play production (sheesh!), but I'll be down there February 22-24 for my choir, so I'm sure I'll be able to drop by or meet you to hang for a bit. We're performing down there, so hey! Anyway, love ya sista lynch!
I love the bath pictures! so cute. I mis having a little baby
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