Ok this menu is much more creative with a lot more fun recipes than I've had in a long time. It's already a little off and I made this menu before I realized how completely broke we are. So we're going on pure faith that somehow we'll find the dinero to buy the groceries for this menu. Otherwise we're lookin' at 2 weeks worth of mac & cheese and Ramen- wahoo! I have faith though. I got my inspiration for this menu from my new Kraft Food & Family magazine I recently got in the mail and one of my new favorite cookbooks that I got for Christmas from an awesome friend. It's called the I Do Cookbook and I highly recommend it. Here's the link if you want one yourself. http://idocook.com/ Also, I mentioned earlier that I was gonna start my BFL (Body-for-LIFE) program next week but my Doctor told me to weight until the baby's at least 6 weeks to make sure my body's completely healed. And I can't afford to start it next week anyway with the gym membership and food and supplements. But this menu is pretty healthy and I've been doing great at cutting out the junk food and controlling my portions. Plus I'll start walking every day next week just to work up the the intense work-outs of BFL. So I have 2 more weeks to prepare which is sort of a bummer but I'm even more excited and anxious to start when the time finally comes. Anyway... even if this does end up being just a menu I can just dream about due to finances, here ya' go. Enjoy and let me know if you want any of the recipes or what not.
Sounds delicious to me!! I just need to know what time to be there!! Isn't that recipe book the greatest!! It's my fav!
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