Sunday was another fabulous day. After we got up and ate and got cleaned up Gerald and Rachelle came over to watch our kiddos for us and me, Robert and Alex went and saw the movie I Am Legend. I actually went later and missed the first 15 minutes because I hade to feed Joaquin but I guess I didn't miss that much. I was very hesitant to go because I hate leaving my babies but I really wanted to see this and Robert deserves some of my TLC too. Plus I knew my kids were gonna be fine so I went. The movie was awesome! I loved it and I only jumped and screamed about 6 times... lol. It really got in my head and made me think about how freaky it would be if something like that really happened. It was just a good movie. I was anxious to get home after it was over though. After we got home we just hung out some more and enjoyed family time. As you can see, Baily had a blast playing with her Uncle Alex. It was my brother Beau's birthday on Saturday the 29th and Eben's on Sunday so we had their birthday celebration that night. Yes, they're only like 10 hours apart in age. They're so meant for each other it's almost sickening! My Abuelita made a wonderful ham dinner with all the works and then Beau and Eben opened their gifts. Then we had a very decadent and delicious chocolate birthday cake that Fran made. It was great. Baily even helped them blow out their candles... what a big helper! After that we did more visiting and enjoying one another's company. All of Eben's family and one of her cousin's were there as well as our family so it was a full house. It was a lot of fun. While we were all visiting Robert had the privilege of meeting someone he's been very intereseted in forever- Travis Walton. He's the man from Snowflake who the movie Fire In The Sky was about. Robert is way into aliens so he was excited when Rachelle told him she had set up an oppotunity for Robert to meet Travis and talk to him about his abduction. That was really nice of her to do that for Robert. Robert said he was a really nice guy and was very down to earth. He really liked hearing his side of the story. After he got back from his little interview us kids played a roaring round of May I?. It was so fun and once again we were all tired so we were cracking up at the dumbest things. Baily played with her grandparents and Joaquin just chilled. He was wearing his alien pjs in honor of his daddy's obsession. After we finished we crashed once again. All the family time sure does wear you out! I love every minute of it though because I really do have the best family ever!!
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