Thursday was a busy day of fun and play for me sweet Baily Bug. We started the morning off with going to the park with a friend from the ward for our ward's park day. Baily absolutely loves park day and I do too. She has fun playing and I enjoy having the social aspect of it. After we got home it was normal daily stuff. Then that night we were supposed to go with Robert to watch his softball games but I got a call from my little brother Zach's dad that Zach was gonna have his birthday party at Peter Piper that night. So Robert went to his game and me and the kids went to Zach's birthday party. Baily adores her Uncle Zach and Aunt Kenzie and she had a blast at this party. I had a good time too and enjoyed visiting and catching up with Matt's (Zach and Kenzie's dad) family. I miss them and it was good to chat with them. They've always been so sweet and supportive to me and my family. I can't believe my little buddy Zach is already 10 years old! Time flies by so fast. I sure do love my little brother. He's so sweet and has an awesome sense of humor. I got to help take care of him a lot when he was a baby and I developed a strong bond with that little guy. He's had a lot of hard times in his life and still has hard times with missing my mom but he's staying strong and is so awesome! So I don't know if he'll ever read this or not but Happy Birthday bud and I love you soooo much!! After we got home from the party Robert showed up briefly after us with good news that he won both games. Go Team Blue Brick! They're now 4-2. Hopefully we'll be able to catch a game next week. Baily fell asleep pretty fast after playing her heart out all day. I love when she has such fun days!
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