What a glorious day, a glorious Sabbath today has been. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to have a great day... to move on from the waste of yesterday's time to a more productive day today. Before Church I was able to get some quality reading time in The Book of Mormon and I felt good to have read for 2 whole weeks consecutively without missing any days with a real focus on studying this time instead of just reading. I was also able to ready the lesson from Teachings of Joseph Smith for the day's Relief Society Lesson on God The Eternal Father and it was awesome. I read earlier this week in this month's Ensign the article called Our God Is Truly God (link's at the bottom) and it totally prepared me and got me excited about this lesson. I totally recommend reading this article... it's amazing and wonderful. Anway I felt uplifted after my reading this morning and it really set the tone for wonderfully spiritual Sunday for me. Church was great and I felt the Spirit so strongly. Our teacher in Relief Society referred a lot to this article in her lesson and it was great. I've really opened my eyes and felt a strengthening of my testimony of my Heavenly Father and Who He really is and of His love for me. I do not understand for the life of me how anyone could not believe in Him. Sunday was great as well and I really enjoyed all the discussions. We talked about Lehi's vision and this scripture in 1 Nephi 8:24 was discussed. "24 And it came to pass that I beheld others pressing forward, and they came forth and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth and partake of the fruit of the tree." I think I've mentioned this before but I really love how it says the people "clung" to the rod of iron as opposed to just merely holding it. The rod of iron represents the word of God and I really want to cling to it as opposed to barely holding on to it. It was a really great lesson. After church we came home and I quickly made some sub sandwiches for us to eat, ate, fed Joaquin and then I was off to do my Visiting Teaching. Even though we didn't miss last month, we went in the beginning of the month and since it's already the 20th of this month (isn't that crazy?!) it felt like it had been forever since we had visited and I really missed my sisters. We had a really good visit with both our sisters and I felt an even greater love and bond with them. It grows with each visit. After that I came home and fed my hungry son and then made some breakfast for dinner. Yep... we actually had our tradition of breakfast for dinner Sunday. I made french toast, eggs and bacon and it was yuuumy. As Baily says, it was "gurd" (good). Joaquin was just smiling away and seemed so peaceful and content. Oh I love him so much! After dinner we finally had our really, really late FHE. We've decided for at least 2 of our FHE's of the month to follow Pres. Hinckley's council and study the General Conference talks. So tonight we read Pres. Eyring's talk "O Remember, Remember." Then we talked about some of the things we've noticed about how the Lord's hand has blessed our lives and the lives of our children this past week(Joaquin not having liver problems, his mom helping us out financially, etc.) and made a goal to start writing these things down every Sunday starting next week. We decided to start next week so we can really focus on realizing the Lord's hand in our lives and then write it down. After FHE Baily was a great little girl and played in her room and watcher her choo choo video while letting us watch The Bourne Ultimatum completely uninterrupted. It was great. She's actually been a complete angel all day. Oh I love her so much! The movie was great and I have to say that this trilogy has to be added to my favorite movies list... good stuff! After we finished watching this movie we had family scriptures and we were actually in 1 Nephi 8 which was another good review of Lehi's vision of the tree of life. Then we said family prayer and Robert and Baily went to sleep and I've been... you guessed it- blogging. I just have to say that this has been a perfect Sunday and I definitely have felt the blessings of knowing that I truly am a child of God and I know it because of the love He's shown me through all my many blessings! http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=48d776978ac17110VgnVCM100000176f620a____&hideNav=1
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