Friday was a day of answered prayers. I woke up and checked our account as I always do on Friday- pay day. To my pleasant surprise my paycheck was much higher than I thought it would be. Robert was able to work a few overtime shifts which pay time and a half. I called to get my work schedule for next week and was so grateful to find out that I will have at least 4 more shifts on my next paycheck which will allow for us to make our rent payment. It's all really a miracle how it has all worked out. I know I was supposed to come on this trip to Utah to see my mom and siblings and help out with their care. I'm so, so grateful and humble by the Lord's love for me and my family and how He continuously shows that love to me in so many ways. We pretty much just hung out on Friday at the house after getting some much needed groceries. Later on we went to visit my mom and there was a guard there who was trying to make it impossible for us to see my mom. It really stressed me out. But thanks to my Aunt Konny showing up and making things work out we were able to get in and see her. That was an answer to prayer because I did not want to miss out on a possible visit with my mom. During the visit Joaquin was very tired and fussy and the guard kept threatening me to get him quiet or we would have to leave. I was praying my heart out that he would calm down but he didn't so my mom took him and he miraculously calmed down. Another answered prayer. Not only did he calm down but it was so awesome that he got to have that bonding time with my mom. I need to work on being more grateful for the tender mercies in my life though and not getting stressed out so easily because truly I have so much to be thankful for!
Discussion Question:
When was a time that you had faith things would work out but you didn't know how and how did it work out?
1 comment:
Nutshell version:(haha)
We were supposed to go to a fmaily reunion in Minnesota this summer. We had the money saved twice to go, and had to use it for emergencies. It was down to the week before,and we had pretty much written off the trip. Then after the payday before the trip it became clear how we could arrange things and still make the trip. We had a couple of glitches before we left (a last minute tire, stuff like that) but we had some tender mercies that helped us sort them out quickly. Once we got to MN, we realized that there was a specific reason we needed to be there (besides the awesomefamily memories) was geneology!!!! I was able to get a hundred names or more and meet up with extended fam from Norway and Sweden who also made the trip and I have them as a resource as I do my family history. I was able to talk to my grandpa (who I wasn't previously close with particularly) and get pictures of ancestors with names and dates on the back. None of his work starting with him has been done. Anyway, it was a huge lightbulb moment as to why I needed to go.....someone really wants their work done!!!! And my grandpa out of the blue gave me a couple hundred dollars to help with the trip. Huge blessing.
Fast forward to getting home...we realize that our finances are still totally screwed-and I have to get 5 kids back to school supplies, shoes, etc.........but then within 2 days Mark has more overtime than he has had in 8 months, and I got some great hair appts scheduled, so we are being watched over and blessed.
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