*Wears size 12 or 18 month clothing and size 3 diapers
*Has been walking since he was 10 months old and is trying to learn how to run- he's getting pretty quick!
*Thinks he's invisible when he's walking backwards- he does this when he wants to get into something, like the toilet or dog food, that he knows he's not supposed to
*Has 8 teeth (he got like 5 of them within 2 weeks- not fun!)
*He grunts when he's eating
*Loves to give high fives and says "yeah!" when he does
*Torments his sister and wants to play with her and her stuff ALL.THE.TIME
*Says momma, dadda, gamma & gampa (grandma & grandpa), dog, duh-duh (thank you)
*Can sign more and thank you
*Loves to throw balls- and pretty much anything he's in the mood to throw- he just LOVES all sports balls
*Wants to eat all the time and is always begging food from someone
*Has to have oatmeal for breakfast every morning
*Is not weaned yet but really needs to be- he's definitely a booby baby!
*Got sick for the first time in his life with a cold and the worst diaper rash I've ever seen for a couple of days (must be the whole getting 5 teeth in 2 weeks)
*Loves the dogs here at my dad's house- loves all animals
*Any time he hears music or any sort of beat he's shaking and dancing
*Sleeps in his own crib for naps and night-time and goes down without any crying (most of the time) as soon as you put him in
*He naps at 11 every day for about 1-2 hours and goes to sleep by 7 (sometimes as early as 6) every night and wakes u between 6 and 7 every morning
*He's into anything and everything
*He won't sit still EVER!- he's always on the go
*He loves to eat dog food
*He LOVES bath time
*When he's really tired he loves to snuggle
*He points to things with his little pointer finger all the time
*He loves his Uncle Jensen and Grandpa and Grandma Holwick
*He's mesmerized by his Uncle Eyan
*He's a very naughty boy at church but he gets away with it because he's so stinkin' cute
*He's pretty much happy and smiling about 90% of the time
*He tries to wink but blinks both eyes- the cutest thing you'll ever see
*Has me wrapped around his chubby little finger- I LOVE my son so much it hurst sometimes!!
Wow! Those are some great goals. I still have to write mine down! It sounds like your getting settled in WI. We sure miss you down here though. Happy New Year!
I just love that little boy. I want to talk to him more, but someone never answers the phone. I'll see you on the sixth! Hey, text me sometime.
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