Saturday, July 28, 2007


I had a whole new post typed up yesterday and for some stupid reason like "technical difficulties" Blogger wouldn't let me post it. I was frustrated but ok since it saves your posts even if you don't post them. Well when I get on today... the post is missing! Urghhh!

Ok enough of the complaining. So due to constant, uh... pressure, from someone un-named (ahem, Malissa, ahem), about not posting regularly- I realized I better start posting again. I think I figured a way to get my pictures on without having to download them on my Kodak program (it's memory is full) so now I don't have any excuses. Let's try just to see if my picture will work...

Whattya know? It worked! Ok no more excuses Malissa... I'll get on the ball now.

By the way, the pic is of my new haircut. I must say that the picture just doesn't do it justice. I LOVE it! I feel so hip (I just sounded so old right now... lol). I've been trying to grow out my hair but I've realized what's the point if all I do is wash it then put it straight into a pony tail. It seriously took 30 to 45 minutes just to blow dry it and it was barely shoulder length. I don't have the time or the desire to spend that much time with a hot blow dryer. So I made the decision to finally chop it off after watching E News this morning and seeing Victoria Beckham with her adorable hair. I know I don't have the gorgeousness that she has but I decided to go for it anyway. When I told the hairdresser how I wanted it done she was a little hesitant at first because it's such a drastic change. It took her about 45 minutes because my hair is so thick. While she was cutting it she said she could understand why I would want to give myself an easier cut to handle. She couldn't believe how much hair I had and how thick it is. She was so cute... she was saying how this is probably the funnest cut she've ever done and how she was probably gonna have boring cuts to do for the rest of the day. She even dried and styled it for free because she wanted to play with it since it is such a fun and cute cut. I'm very happy with it!

There's so much I need to catch up and blog about but if I do that I probably will just keep putting it off so I guess I'm just gonna have to stick with the present. Last night we had a little party/get together for Robert's 30th birthday. It was at Barro's Pizza and I had some of his friends and family there as a surprise for him. I thought it went off pretty well. It was good food and good company and a lot of good laughs. I had a bit of a rough night after two of our friends from the ward showed up without me inviting them and I had to face them with them knowing they weren't invited. I felt so bad but they were in good humor about it... although I'm sure Beynon will never let me live it down. I should've taken more pictures than just Robert and his Transformers cake but I didn't. Oh well.

Today I get to go see "No Reservations" with some friends from the ward- Malissa and I think Monica and I don't know who else. It should be a good time. Like I said I have so much more I want to talk about but I think this is good for now. Ciao!

1 comment:

Malissa said...

YAY!! I'm so excited you finally updated!! Looks good! You haven't announced the sex of the baby yet. Some people probably don't even know that! They're outta the loop! See you tomorrow with your cute new haircut!!